Hight Quality Patek Philippe Replica Online Hots Sale - www.hellopanerai.com

Patek Philippe Replica Watch

Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica's novel watches, a high-end Russian watchmaker, was inspired by Jewish tradition. Even the basic operation of the watch, which has hands that move counter-clockwise, demonstrates this. It is also evident in the addition of the moon phase as an additional feature due to the importance it has in the religion. The design elements used by Chaykin hint at the origins of the timekeeper. The name of the watches is also a reference to Judaism. The Hebrew name Luah Shana, which means "lunar" year, is a reference to the Decalogue collection from which the watch comes. Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica's novelty comes in a white-gold housing, and is available as a 100 piece limited edition. The price of the novelty is around $38,500.

The only thing that inspired Luah's Shana is Judaism. The first thing to consider is the way the watch's timekeeping mechanism works. In Hebrew, the letters are written left to right.Panerai Replica The watch uses this principle and the hands are moved in an opposite direction to what is usual. Panerai Luminor Chrono Replica has trademarked this complication. The reverse system of minute pointer wheel is used in the Decalogue collection. (The Russian watchmaker revealed that the Decalogue was inspired by the astonishing precision of the Jewish Calendar).

Chaykin did not invent the reversed direction of the central hands. This type of time display is deeply rooted into the past. This type of display of time is deeply rooted in history.

Even the direction of the hands tells a story. The ancient Hebrew numeral system is used on Luah Shana pieces. They are letters from the Hebrew alphabet, which have been assigned numerical values according to the Gematria numerology system.

The Lunar Days Indicator Allows Calculation of Jewish HolidaysUnder the slightly off-centered, moved upward dial is a beautiful moon phase indicator. This component is also closely tied to Jewish tradition, both in its appearance and function. The main purpose of this component is to keep track of the lunar days, and then the lunar months. This is important because it allows you to calculate the Jewish holidays.Oris Replica Watches In Judaism the calendar is based upon lunar (Luah Shana), and not solar years. This lunar calendar, which is used for religious and other purposes in Israel, is quite interesting. The complication is designed to look like the stone tablets that Moses was given with the Decalogue and the Ten Commandments.

On the dial you can see more religious motifs, especially in the lower part of the face. No section of the dial was left untouched, as all sections have different ornaments and guilloched patterns. The most important religious portion of the reaming is used as the backdrop for the off-centered moon phase and time display. We can see the stylized version of the 30 foot high columns that were found in the Solomon's Temple.

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